Personal Meeting Strategies



Tony O. Elumelu, CON

Mr. Tony O. Elumelu, CON, is an economist by training, a serial entrepreneur, and philanthropist. He is the Founder and Chairman of Heirs Holdings Limited, an African proprietary investment company, with interests in power, oil and gas, financial services, hospitality, real estate and healthcare, present in twenty African countries.

How to Excel at Meetings by Tony O. Elumelu, CON

How to Excel at Work

Without a doubt, and I say this anytime I have the opportunity do so, “I run my businesses successfully through meetings.” I am usually going for a meeting, in a meeting or coming from a meeting. On the average, I would say that I spend up to 50% of my time in productive meetings because of the value I place on meetings.

I recognize that meetings, formal or informal, are important vehicles for mobilizing the troops which is key for leading change, orchestrating growth, directing performance and building relationships. 

Indeed, I attribute a great deal of my personal and business advancement to the productive meetings I hold. I would not be where I am today, if not for, amongst other things, the instrumentality and the defining outcomes of those meetings. I therefore do not take meetings for granted and I do my utmost to optimize every meeting opportunity.

Over the years, I learnt that excelling at meetings cannot be left to chance. You must approach meetings with a plan and the seriousness it deserves. Having the right armory of best practices would put you in a position to do well at meetings and achieve your intended outcomes.

Since my initial meeting with Bili in 1996, where he interviewed for the role of Company Secretary/Legal Adviser in an investment banking firm, I have been in countless other meetings with Bili. Indeed, Bili is suitably qualified to share these strategies for excelling at meetings. The strategies he so articulately captures in this well-written book are proven. I have not only successfully employed some of them, I have seen others beneficially use them as well. That said, I have observed poor performances at meetings too, evidently by those who are unaware of the proven strategies for excelling at meetings.

This book, 70 Personal Strategies for Excelling at Meetings, would aid anyone who seeks to excel at meetings and who strives to do more in creating high value outcomes from meetings.